How to make wonderful layer raised beds in 8 steps (the link to the pdf is at the end of the post):
Link to the pdf: Bed-layers-info-StepByStep
How to make wonderful layer raised beds in 8 steps (the link to the pdf is at the end of the post):
Link to the pdf: Bed-layers-info-StepByStep
We had plenty of green cherry tomatoes from the Daily Bread Space… so we decided to make jam!
Easiest recipe ever:
1kg of green tomatoes, juce of 2 lemons, 1 vanilla pod and 700g of sugar.
Cut the tomatoes, combine with the rest in a (very) big pan, boil to dissolve the sugar and cook at medium heat for 1hr…that’s it 🙂
It is time to start indoors plantings of plants you could tranfer outside later 🙂
You can use this very useful calendar to know what you can plant when:
It’s not too early in the year to do gardening!
If you like digging (rather than using no-dig growing methods), you can do so now if your soil isn’t frozen or water-logged. Dig compost into the soil if you have any. Soils benefits from “settling” at least six weeks before sowing or planting!
In protected and sunny patches you can sow: broad beans, kohlrabi, parsnips, peas, radish, spinach.
Under cover (cold frames may do) you can sow: beetroot, broad beans, many brassicas, leeks, lettuce, onions.
– From “Grow your own vegetables” by Joy Larkcom