Castle Garden in May

I was given a few plants – a nice meaty tomato, and a winter squash – and went to plant them in the garden in Castle Row. Last time I went was in the winter – and it looked a bit dead and unkept. Now it is beautiful and lush:


There are many little patches of good stuff. Strawberries at the front, that Italian herb which I think is marjoram, three stalks of fennel are coming up, the rosemary bush. Many different aromas and colours.

The rest of the cover are non-edible plants native to the Cambridge area. They’re not really a problem, much better than naked soil, and we can pretend we’re doing polyculture. Nothing really dominates, probably because we’ve pulled out lots of alkanet with James before it flowered.

The trees are doing well, I think the optimistic future of this garden are large towering fruit trees, known to every local pear-eating child. This is a hazel:


I am also a fan of these raspberries. They’re flowering, there’s a buzz around them, and in this picture I have managed to snap a particularly good bee:



We’ve planted this last time as well. Very healthy mint!


It still puzzles me what the last gardener wanted to do – the barrel had a heavy porcelain thing on top of the soil, I think it was meant to crowd out the weeds and grow stuff in the gaps but the main result was that the soil was very compacted. The barrel had nothing growing in it and was full of weeds. We’ve removed the thing from the top, emptied the barrel, put the turf upside down, put some soil from the middle above the turf, and planted the mint. Feel free to borrow the upside-down-turf trick as an alternative to weeding, works every time, you just need to start with a garden in a barrel.

The mint took, it’s definitely going to crowd out anything else in the pot – I took the picture before doing anything to the pot, and you can see there wasn’t really anything to weed. Now I can rely on it to be there for years and years. If there’s ever a heatwave that comes and kills a mint plant planted in half-shade over a metre of top quality soil, I will probably have bigger things to worry about.

Spring gardening at GeorgeIV St

We had a sunny and very warm gardening session at our GeorgeIV St edible space. It was so full of dandelions that we could’t even see the strawberries anymore!


After a bit of weeding, flowering strawberry plants finally appeared 🙂

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We also removed quite some rubbish.



Spring gardening

We had such a sunny day for our gardening event at our Daily Dread Space. After adding more soil, planting, sowing and putting support for the beans, the garden looks so great!

Come and harvest some sage, rosemary, chive and marjoram. Like in all our gardens, they are free for everyone 🙂

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Art workshops poster

Have you seen it? A poster at the entrance of Daily Bread was explaining the story behind the new steel sculptures on our Growing Space. If you missed it, you can fin it here!

And why not also playing at matching the children’s drawing and the sculptures 🙂

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Art workshops – decorating the raised beds

As you may have seen from our previous blog notes (here, here and here) we are running an art project with the Groove School, Hilary (art facilitator) and Jayne (artist).

Inspired by the children’s drawings, Jayne designed amazing steel-welded sculptures and we then attached them onto the raised beds. We had to empty the raided beds to do so! It was a hard work but as you can see from the photos, it was worth it 🙂

There will be soon a poster at Daily Bread explaining the story of this project.

Cute bug, bird and worm:

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Leaves, roots and tomatoes (yes they are! The inside of tomatoes):

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This project was the supported by the Cambridge City Council Public Art Grant.

Art Workshops – Week 3

Third and last week of the art workshops! The kids made and painted giant leaves. I am wondering which plants of our growing space inspired them for this great work 🙂

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Thanks so much to Hilary for doing these workshops at the Grove school and to the Cambridge City Council for giving us a grant for this project!

Art Workshops – Week 2

Hilary went back to the school and with the kids created a very impressive map of their journey from the Grove School to our Growing Space at Daily Bread. It is wonderful to see so many creative hands at work 🙂

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Tomato harvest at Daily Bread space

Now that cold nights are back, we harvested the last green cherry tomatoes to make some jam.


It was great to see the space is still looking really good! If you pass by, please help yourself with herbs and try the lemon scented geranium, it is just wonderful 🙂

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Gardening Workshop at Daily Bread Space

We had a great time for our gardening workshop on Friday at our Daily Bread Space, harvesting the wheat, adding canes to support the plants and planting broccolis and chard for this winter.


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Herbs are growing wonderfully well and we should have cherry tomatoes soon!

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